Building Lasting Relationships
Open Door Baptist Church
Rev. Timothy Robinson serves as the Pastor of Open Door Baptist Church. Timothy and his wife Toni have 4 daughters and 3 boys. Timothy holds a B.A. in Pastoral Ministry from Boston Baptist College, and was ordained by Open Door Baptist Church in 2016. He also holds a M.A. in Church Planting from Capitol Seminary in Lancaster, PA. Both he and Toni are United States Army Veterans who were stationed in Natick, MA when they heard the gospel and placed their faith and trust in Jesus. The Robinson family started attending Open Door Baptist Church while Timothy was in Bible College. Timothy loves being with his family, basketball, reading, and New England.
“My desire is to preach Jesus and His gospel and to equip believers to take that gospel everywhere they go. His will be done, in Belmont, as it is in heaven.”
- Pastor Timothy Robinson

This church started in 1898 as Swedish Baptist Church and was originally located in Cambridge, MA. It later was known as Evangel Baptist Church, part of the Baptist General Conference. In 1948, the foundation was laid for the building at the current site in Belmont. The name was changed again in the late 1990’s to the current name of Open Door Baptist Church.
The church is an independent Baptist church, cooperating in fellowship with the Baptist Bible Fellowship International and other churches of similar faith and practice. The Lord continues to Build Lasting Relationships in and through Open Door with people from Belmont and the surrounding communities.
What kind of church is Open Door?
Open Door is an independent, Bible-believing Baptist church. We fellowship and cooperate with churches that have similar Biblical philosophies and positions.
What are we here for?
At Open Door, our desire is to “Build Lasting Relationships” while we strive to reproduce the character of Christ. We seek to equip people to effectively connect with God and humanity. This is done locally through Bible-centered teaching at various services during the week and globally through support of church-planting missions.
What do we believe?
About the Bible
We believe the Bible is God’s written revelation of Himself to humanity. It is complete and sufficient for all of life’s situations.
About God
We believe those scriptures reveal God is One in essence and exists in three co-equal, co-eternal, and co-existent Persons: Father, Son, and Spirit.
About Jesus Christ
We believe that the Lord Jesus is both God and man: born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died for our sins, was buried, and rose again according to the Scriptures. He is coming again to judge and reward humanity. We believe that He is the Savior, the only way to get to Heaven.
About the Holy Spirit
We believe the Holy Spirit, also revealed as the Comforter and Counselor, is a person, not an impersonal force. His ministry is evident in the conviction of sin, exaltation of Jesus Christ, and the transformation of His people.
About Humanity
We believe that humanity was created in the image of God and has dignity arising from that source. However, all are separated from a relationship with God by sinful choice and are destined for eternal punishment. To be delivered, or saved, from this penalty for sin, religious acts, good deeds, and noble accomplishments will not suffice. Deliverance and hope is found in a new spiritual birth as described by Jesus in the Gospel of John 3:3: “Jesus answered and said unto him, ‘Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.’”
About Social Responsibility
We believe that justice cannot happen apart from Biblical righteousness. The true hope of individuals, families, cultures, and nations is the transformation towards a Biblical relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Secular humanism, well-intentioned social agencies or governing bodies, education, and financial equity cannot change human nature. Only the grace of God, experienced personally by people humbled in light of God’s perfection, can make a lasting difference.